Greetings to all on this glorious fall day! This little guy you see above was inspired by the birds in my woods out behind where my painting table sits. He's an Evening Grossbeak and he's up for auction on eBay at the moment.
Life is busy here. I have lots of orders keeping me busy and there is always my human family and our horses, cats and dog. All of them need attention on a regular basis so my time is at a premium but it's a good life and I am enjoying it!
A few little tidbits of information. First, there is a new on-line magazine that is going to be launched on the 1st of December called "Spindlicity" at www.spindlicity.com I am told by the founder of the site that there will be prize drawings and all sorts of wonderful things for the launch! I will be donating a spindle as a prize for the site's grand opening, so bookmark the URL and watch for developments!
Next, I may be offering a higher end line of spindles soon. I have entered into talks with another business who produces spindles for the retail market. We are hammering out the details and I am really excited about the possibility of new woods, different weights and types of spindles to paint. I'll keep everyone posted as we move along through this process.
I hope everyone is enjoying the last remains of autumn before winter arrives! Once the weather gets cold, I will be busy making spindles all the time so place your orders for the holidays now.
Peace & Joy,