Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Ah, Summer....

Hi All,

It's been awhile since last I updated the Blog so I figured it was about time.

It's been a hectic summer... like this is anything new in my life! LOL!. My daughter is away at camp for two weeks, so I am busy catching up on spindle orders. Then, the last weekend in July through the first weekend in August, we will be away on vacation. It will really be nice to take a break and just relax a bit.

Other news. We are in the process of buying 22+ acres about a half hour south of where we currently live. We hope to build an earth sheltered, passive and active solar house in the next three years. All of the research and contract stuff has been really cutting a swath of time out of my life right now too. Tomorrow, we go to meet the realtor and put the down payment on the property and sign the contract. Whoopee! In the end, it means lots of long weekends trying to get a house built with us doing most of the work! But it's something we've been looking forward to for many years.

As for spindles, I am thinking about making the larger whorl spindle, the "Raven", my standard spindle. It's amazing how well it spins! I have been so impressed with this design that unless you are really set on a smaller, lighter weight spindle, I would really recommend this one.

I will get new pictures up soon for everyone to see.

Peace & Joy,

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