Our world is full of things that spin from the glaxies in the far reaches of our universe right down to the spindles in our hands. Throughout time and history, there is a great tradition of spinning being a sacred act. Sufis spin or whirl to make contact with God. Prayers wheels are spun by Buddhists to increase positive karma and release prayers into the rest of the world for peace and liberation of all sentient beings. Many folk traditions include circle dances and there is the classic circle dance around a Maypole each spring to celebrate the return of life.
Our blood flows in a large circle through our bodies and even an egg spins as it is fertilized and becomes the potential for a new life. Our earth spins on its axis and orbits the sun. All of life is involved in a dance of circles each interesecting the other and overlapping.
In myth and legend, straw is spun into gold and in many mystic traditions aspirants are spun or they circumnambulate around a sacred space before they are taught the mysteries of said traditions.
I think that it's no accident that circles, and also spirals...which are a circle drawn out along a line... , are important in our spirituality, world and psyche. We speak of a "circle of friends" or "encircling arms". Circles are places of love and great mystery. They are sacred space for many peoples across the world.
As we spin, I believe we can put intent into our spinning and into the product we generate. There is certainly a tradition of weaving cloth with prayers and magic to make a garment that is holy or protective or whatever the intent was that was put in by the weaver. As a spinner, why not start right away with the raw material to form intent that either goes into our creation or is sent out into the universe? Each of us has the power to help make the world a better place with even the small action of spinning.
To this end, a little bit of my heart and my love goes into each and every spindle so that as it spins for you, some of that good will and my positive thoughts spin out into your hands and your yarn. I believe that our actions, thoughts and intent have real consequences for good or ill, so I don't work on spindles if I am upset or angry. I try to always work with a positive mindset and also I try to work mindful of what I am making and how it will be used.
If any of you have special intentions you want put into your spindles while they are being made, just let me know. Your spindle then becomes a sort of "prayer wheel" that generates that intent as you spin. You simply reinforce it with your thoughts while spinning. This way, the spindle is not only beautiful but generates something beautiful for you or whomever uses it.
Peace and Blessings to All,
A very thoughtful post! Thanks so much for enlightening us all! HUGz!
ReplyDeleteThanks Kary! I started thinking about this and wanted to share it with anyone who comes to my site.